
Monday, November 21, 2011

Pintervention: Chai Tea Concentrate

I'm joining the Pintervention Party with Stephanie and Nicole because I think I have a problem. A Pinning Problem!


I have tried several things on Pinterest, a couple recipes and a scarf.  The scarf didn't turn out well.  It always surprises me when I'm craft challenged because I'm normally pretty crafty!

Last week....I had a sick little boy at home and in between cuddling him and checking on him while he slept, I spent time on pinterest.  I must have pinned 500 things!

I saw the pin for Homemade Chai Tea and I thought to myself....SELF, I could really go for some CHAI right now!

I checked out the recipe and remembered that I'm a Martha Stewart Wannabe and realized that I had all of the ingredients.  Yes, I had cardamon pods and star anise.  I'm a foodie!  I save jelly jars and they were the perfect containers because then they are easy to share with friends.

Homemade Chai Concentrate from Tasty Yummies
makes approximately 4 cups

4 1/2 cups water
8 bags black tea – I used orange pekoe
2 cinnamon sticks
1 vanilla bean, split in half (or 1 tablespoon of vanilla extract added at the very end)
1/2 cup raw cane sugar (you can add more or less depending on how sweet you like your chai)
1 – 3-inch section of fresh ginger, cut into pieces
10 whole cloves
8 cardamom pods
1/2 teaspoon freshly ground nutmeg
2 whole star anise pods
1/2 teaspoon of whole black peppercorns
1 teaspoon orange zest
1 tablespoon raw honey
1 small square section of cheesecloth, approximately 6″ square (if you don’t want to mess with cheesecloth, make sure you have a good strainer you can use at the end)
kitchen twine

Remove the tags from the teabags and tie them all together. Prepare the spices, vanilla bean and orange zest by laying them in your cheesecloth, Leave the cinnamon sticks out to make the little pouch of spices a bit more compact. Tie the cheesecloth pouch shut with a small piece of kitchen twine. If you leave the cinnamon sticks out, just tie them together with kitchen twine.

Add the water and sugar to a medium sized saucepan and bring to a boil over a medium-high heat. Once boiling, reduce the heat to a simmer and put in the tea bags, cheesecloth pouch and cinnamon sticks. Simmer for 20 minutes.

Remove the pan from the heat strain the concentrate through a sieve.  At this point if you want a bit more sweetness you can add a tablespoon of honey, stir to dissolve. I don’t always do this, but it is a really nice touch. Additionally, if you didn’t use a whole vanilla bean, add your vanilla extract now. Stir to combine.

Allow the mixture to cool before pouring it into an airtight jar or container. This amount fits perfectly into a 1-quart mason jar. Store in the refrigerator for up to one week.

** To serve, mix 1 part concentrate with 1 part milk of your choice. Heat for a warm beverage or serve over ice for a cold drink.

Are you addicted to Pinterest?  Have you made something and want to share it?  Join the party!


  1. I'm a baker but I have NO IDEA what some of those ingredients are. I think I must not be as great as I think although I just made some KICK ASS HOMEMADE cupcakes from scratch and HOMEMADE icing. They are pretty. I'm so proud of myself right now.

    This didn't help me with my addiction. It makes me wanna go pin some stuff.

  2. OMG homeade chai concentrate. whoa that would change my life {and sve my checkbook} i literally buy a 3-pack of chai mix at costco every single time im there.

    so have to do this.

    thanks for joining in the fun!!!!!

    the best part... finding out if the stuff is worth doing again because several of my "pins" were complete failures.

  3. WOW!! i'm super impressed. I'm not a "tea" person, but I'm still impressed! You are way cool for trying that and it working! :o)

    hope your little one is feeling better!

  4. Hahahaha to a Pintervention. I still need to fill in my boards.

    This looks good!

  5. I've never tried Chai anything...but sounds delicious! Hope your little guy is feeling better. We just got off two weeks of sick kiddos...not fun! Happy Pinning!
