
Monday, October 21, 2013

Civic Center Eats

For a couple of years now, I've wanted to go to Civic Center Eats.  It's been my greatest desire to eat from a food truck and since my husband does not share this need, I had to find someone to do it with me.

My original plan was to go over the summer with my kids.  That just never happened.

Then...the season was drawing to a close and I knew I had to make this a reality so I asked Denise from Eat, Play, Love if she would meet me for a play date.  I knew that if I asked someone to do it with me, I'd actually go through with it.

She said yes and we had a great time!  There is so much to choose from but we went with The Denver Biscuit Truck and we were not disappointed!

I had real southern Sweet Tea for the first time and it was so good!  I need to learn to make this myself.  Have you ever had this before?  I posted the picture on Instagram and discovered that most everyone has tried it at least once and that I'd been deprived my whole life!

My biscuit was to die for!  It's called The Franklin and contained Fried Chicken, Bacon, Cheese and Gravy.  HEAVEN! Their menu looks amazing and I can't wait to try something else.
The good news is that you don't have to chase down the truck to get some good southern food.  They have an actual restaurant and you can visit it any time you want.

Denver Biscuit Co.
3237 E Colfax
Denver, CO

I think the next truck I want to try is the Tots Truck!  It looked like someone my kids might like too!

Join me next season at Civic Center Eats, almost every Tuesday and Thursday from June until September.

Denver Biscuit Company on Urbanspoon

Saturday, October 19, 2013

What is a Legume?

I like the word legume.  I like saying it and writing and mostly.....I like eating them!

If you are wondering what a legume is, I have an answer for you.  Here is a list:

  • Baby Lima Bean
  • Black Bean
  • Black-eyed Peas
  • Boston Bean
  • Boston Navy Bean
  • Cannellini Bean
  • Chickpeas
  • Chili Bean
  • Fava Bean
  • Great Northern Bean
  • Green Beans
  • Kidney Beans
  • Lentils
  • Lima Bean
  • Mung Bean
  • Navy Bean
  • Pea Bean
  • Peanuts
  • Pinto Bean
  • Red Bean
  • Red Kidney Bean
  • Snow Peas
  • Southern Peas
  • Sugar Snap Peas
  • Soybean
  • Wax Bean
  • White Kidney Bean

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Happy Coffee

My kids have been in school for several weeks now so you'd think I would be busy knocking things off from my Foodie Bucket List.

The PTA has prevented me from doing much of that but I'm about to correct that real quick.

Two weeks ago, has it really been two weeks ago?  I made plans to visit the Civic Center Eats Food Truck Extravaganza with my friend Denise from Eat, Play, Love.  But first I had to so to the Girl Scout Store and buy my daughter her first Daisy uniform.

I had a little time, so I checked with Yelp and asked it where the closest coffee shop was located.

It told me to go to Happy Coffee.

So I did.

Super cute little place with a pastry case that looked amazing.  I think I spied some homemade Pop Tarts!  I ordered a cappuccino and it was delightful!  Yummy coffee means a happy Mama!

 Happy Coffee
1 South Broadway
Denver, CO